Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure in Delhi 9999423333

Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure in Delhi

Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure in Delhi. Welcome to Court marriage and Arya samaj marriage services provided to all india. Marriage solemnised can be under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954,Arya samaj marriage Act,1937,court marriage is now a legal requirement in most of the states in India. purposes a formal marriage certificate from the Registrar of Marriages is required. There are different rules and regulations for different religions. For example there are Hindu Marriage Act, Muslim Marriage Act, and Christian Marriage Act and for the Parsee there is Parsee Marriage. You can do your work successfully in short span of time with the help of our marriage centre.Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure in Delhi.

Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure in Delhi. Substituted by the Adaptation of lows Order, 1956 for the words part B State these part B states were Hyderabad J&K Mysore pepsu, Rajastha, Saurashtra and T.C.
» Marriage between Arya Samajists not to be invalid.
» Marriage between Arya Samajists 1 not to be invalid.

Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure in Delhi

Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure in Delhi. Not standing with any provision of Hindu Law, usage or custom to the contrary no marriage contracted whether before or after the commencement of this Act between two persons being at the time of the marriage Arya Samajists shall be invalid or shall be deemed ever to have been invalid by reason only of the fact that the parties at any belonged to different castes or different sub –castes of Hindu or both of the parties at any time he marriage belonged to a religion other than Hinduism.

Documents for All Marriage

  (Boys should be above 21 years and girls above 18 year)
Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure in Delhi. Affidavit: (Affidavit must be attested by Magistrate/S.D.M. or Notary Public with  Register Entry No.)
Age Proof: (Voter I.card, Driving Licence, Matriculation Certificate,) one of these.
Residence Proof: (Voter I.card, Driving Licence, Matriculation Certificate, Passport) (one of these).
Photograph: (4 Passport size photo ) Boys & Girl both.
Witness: Two Witness With Voter I.card, Driving Licence,  Passport (one of these)
Things: Sindoor,Mangalshutra, Jaimala, Flower.2kg Sweets

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