Marriage Certificate Agents In Agra
Marriage Certificate Agents In Agra.
- Application form duly signed by both husband and wife.
- Documentary evidence of date of birth of parties (Matriculation Certificate / Passport / Birth Certificate) Minimum age of both parties is 21 years at the time of registration under the Special Marriage Act.
- Ration card of husband or wife.
- In case of Special Marriage Act, documentary evidence.
- Affidavit by both the parties stating place and date of marriage, date of birth, marital status at the time of marriage and nationality.
- Two passport size photographs of both the parties and one marriage photograph.
- Marriage invitation card, if available.
- If marriage was solemnized in a religious place, a certificate from the priest is required who solemnized the marriage.
- Affirmation that the parties are not related to each other within the prohibited degree of relationship as per Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act as the case may be.
- Attested copy of divorce decree/order in case of a divorcee and death certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower.
- In case one of the parties belong to other than Hindu, Budhist, Jain and Sikh religions, a conversion certificate from the priest who solemnized the marriage(in case of Hindu Marriage Act).
All documents excluding receipt should be attested by a Gazetted Officer.
Marriage Certificate Agents In Agra.
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