Marriage Registration Office Ghaziabad
Marriage Registration Requirements :-
Marriage Registration Office Ghaziabad,
- Bride minimum age at the solemnisation of marriage – 18 years completed.
- Bridegroom minimum age at the solemnisation of marriage – 21 years completed.
- Form A in duplicate along with payment of prescribed fee.
- Wedding invitation card.
- A photograph of marriage ceremony capturing both wife and husband.
- Residential proof of either of the spouse.
- Copies of SSC Certificates of wife and husband or passport copies (for Date of Birth proof).
- Three witnesses to sign in the form.
- Three witnesses to sign in the register of Registrar office.
- Check thrice the details filled in the Form A. Names of the bride and groom shall always be tallied with the names given in the passport/SSC and other certificates. Otherwise, at the time of issuance of visa and other certificates, you may have to face problem.
- It is advisable to mention the name of the wife (bride) before and after marriage at Sl.No. 1 of the Form A. Before marriage, the surname usually belongs to father’s family. And after marriage, the surname of the husband’s family is adopted. So it is advisable, to mention two names as
- name (before marriage), and
- name (after marriage).
Eg. Wife (bride) name before marriage – Akaram Kumari;
Wife (bride) name after marriage – Vennem Kumari (Vennem is the surname of husband’s family).
- Check the certificate issued by the Sub Registrar office and if there are any discrepancies in the names or any other details, immediately bring them to the notice of the Sub Registrar and get them rectified.
- In case of any discrepancy in the details found subsequently in the marriage certificate issued by the Sub Registrar, there is a cumbersome procedure involved to get rectify such discrepancies. The Marriage can be registered either –
- The Sub Registrar Office where the marriage venue is situated, or
- The Sub Registrar Office in whose jurisdiction either wife or husband has been residing for atleast six months immediately preceding the date of marriage.
- Registrar may attend the marriage ceremony in person and register the same if he is requested to do so by submitting all the papers, prescribed fee in advance, if it (time) is convenient to him.
- Marriage Registration Office Ghaziabad.
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