Love Marriage In Gandhinagar
Love Marriage In Gandhinagar. Many people in our society believe in love marriage , because this type of marriage is based on understanding between the two parts , and the settlement in their family . They also live in happiness and peace , because they had chosen each other from the beginning .
The couple who married upon love will understand each other . They will share their opinions and decisions in every thing whether small or big . Each one will not take any decision in his own life without sharing the other fellow . If they argue about something , they will be able to find a suitable solution for both of them . Although there a lot of problems between children , they can solve it easily with each other . There will not be a great difference in their way of thinking , and taking decisions . They will be one hand in facing the obstacles , and difficulties of life .
Happiness also is a very important benefit of love marriage , as every one in the family will feel with comfort . The couples can enjoy their life . They will be content about themselves . They will not make the usually quarrels which we see in most of the families . Each one of them will look for the comfort and happiness of the other fellow , as there is a mutual love between them . If one of them felt into a trouble , the other one will save him , and try to help with all what he possess of money , energy or time . If one of them felt ill , the other fellow gives him the complete care till he becomes well . Love Marriage In Gandhinagar.
Finally , I think that the love marriage is better than the arranged marriage , because it has many benefits , such as the understanding between the two couples , and the happiness and peace in the family , and I want to send a message to all the youth to be careful in their love , and their emotions specially in marriage .
Marriage marriages are not a new thing in Indian society. It has been practiced for centuries but the instances of love marriage in India are still low. In the last several decades the Indian society has undergone tremendous change – the social fabric of society has become more flexible and girls are treated equal to boys. As a result, interaction between the opposite has increased considerably and this has contributed to the increased percentage of love marriages in the country. However, the phenomena remains restricted to urban and semi-urban areas. Though love marriages still do not enjoy the same respect and position in the society as arranged marriages, parents are becoming thoughtful of their children’s feelings. The biggest reason for opposing a love marriage is caste or religion difference. In addition, there are other issues like economic standard, horoscope compatibility, that also hinder the process of love marriage.
Love Marriage In Gandhinagar.
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