Arya Samaj Mandir New Friends Colony
Arya Samaj Mandir New Friends Colony We offer 100 % free legal aid to inadequate individuals and nervous individuals of team in Arya Samaj Mandir in New Friends Colony. If you want to function evaluate wedding and looking for a legal expert who could help you’ll effectively properly secured against all legal results so your look for is over now. Our execute begins with your believe and it finishes with your whole fulfillment.Arya Samaj Mandir marriage in New Friends Colony is appropriate for Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs or Jains. A Hindu wedding can be solemnized between two Hindus ( often when they are of different believe in or nations) (Muslim or Christian) can turn their own believe in into Hinduism and become Hindus in the Arya Samaj Mandir with their own wish. In our Arya Samaj Mandir wedding in New Friends Colony we often use outstanding way to function weddings.Arya Samaj Mandir in New Friends Colony
Documents Required for the Performance Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage & Registration Marriage
1. Date of Birth Proof (Municipal Corporation Certificate, Xth Examination Certificate (School Certificate), Passport) of Marrying Persons.
2. Residential Proof (Voter Card / Passport / Ration Card / Driving License / Bank Passbook / Lease Deed / Rent Deed) of Marrying Persons.
3. Passport Size Photographs – four each of Marrying Persons.
4. If any party is divorcee Certified copy of Decree of Divorce granted by the Court.
5. If any party is widow / widower Death Certificate of the dead spouse.
6. If any party is a Foreign Citizen or holding a foreign Passport or is having foreign residential address – Certificate of Present Marital Status of the party / No Impediment Certificate / NOC from concerned Embassy and Valid VISA.
7. Two Witnesses with I. D. (Residence) proof – Voter I Card, Driving Licence, Passport, Ration Card, Unic I D (Aadhar Card), Residence Certificate and Bank Passbook.
Arya Samaj Mandir New Friends Colony.
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