welcome to Arya Samaj Mandir in Patel Nagar
Arya Samaj Mandir in Patel Nagar is different from any other marriage. In Arya Samaj Marriage, only witnesses are important for Marriage Ceremony and sometimes not even Pooja or fire as it doesn’t believe in idol Pooja.
Marriage certificate is issued after performing Marriage Ceremony in Arya Samaj Mandir.
There is no boundation of any caste. In Arya Samaj marriage any person related from any caste can go there for marriage. Now a days most of the people like Arya Samaj Marriage because it does not take so much time to complete marriage process.
Arya Samaj Mandir in Patel Nagar If you have no time and you are in hurry and want marriage certificate for any reason like bank loan, visa of your spouse or going abroad so Arya Samaj marriage is perfect for you. You can save money if you choose Arya Samaj Marriage.
Arya Samaj Marriage is best for those whose parents are against because they are in love and want to get marry as only two witnesses and document are required for marriage ceremony. Witnesses can be friend or any relative.
Thus, procedure of Arya Samaj Marriage is very easy and in less expenses.
Arya Samaj Mandir Patel Nagar.
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