WELCOME TO Court Marriage in Allahabad
Same Day Court Marriage In Allahabad could be a place wherever you’ll get your all issues eliminated with the assistance of extremely skilled and versatile Lawyers. If you wish to perform the court wedding and looking for a professional who can prevent you from all legal consequences thus your search is over. Our work starts with your believe and it ends with your entire satisfaction.Court Marriage In Allahabad
Documents required for the performance of court marriage:
Passport Size Photographs – four each of Marrying Persons.
Residential Proof (Voter Card / Passport / Ration Car / Driving License / Bank Passbook / Lease Deed / Rent Deed) of Marrying Persons.
Date of Birth Proof (Municipal Corporation Certificate, X th or XII th Examination Certificate, Passport, PAN Card) of Marrying Persons.
If any party is divorcee Certified copy of Decree of Divorce granted by the Court.
If any party is widow / widower Death Certificate of the dead spouse.
If any party is a Foreign Citizen or holding a foreign Passport or is having foreign residential address
Certificate of Present Marital Status of the party / No Impediment Certificate / NOC from concerned Embassy and Valid VISA.
Two Witnesses ( Both should be major )
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