Court Marriage In Delhi
Same Day Court Marriage in Delhi procedure in Delhi, New Delhi, marriage registration Certificate process in Delhi, New Delhi, South Delhi, services provided in Delhi,New Delhi. We offer legal consultancy for court marriage where we give the couple excellent suggestions regarding the marriage. We also have qualified advocates who arrange the whole marriage procedures with legal documents and assist them in whole process. Our company also manages to give the registration certificate at the earliest. Matrimonial Law Chambers professionals guide the people how to register their marriage.
Court Marriage in Delhi Registration Under Hindu Marriage Act-1955
A marriage, which has already been mutually solemnized, can be registered either under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act is valid in cases where couples are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs or they have adopted these religions. On the other hand if the husband or wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs the marriage is registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.Further, marriage can be solemnised between any two persons (often when they are of different religion or nations) under the provisions of the Special Marriage Act, 1954
Verification of all the documents is carried out on the date of application and a day is fixed and communicated to the parties for registration. On the said day, both parties, along with witness should attend office of marriage officer. The Certificate of Marriage is issued on the same day.Court Marriage In Delhi
Benifits of Marriage Certificate Court Marriage In Delhi
» Certificate of marriage is a document, which provides valuable evidence of marriage;
» Certificate of marriage is a document providing social security, self-confidence particularly among married women;
» Certificate of marriage is useful in getting the visa for the wife/husband.
» It will be helpful in claiming the Bank deposits or Life Insurance benefits
When the deposited or the Insurer dies without a nomination or otherwise.
Legal Documents for Marriage Registration
- Passport Size Photographs – four each of Marrying Persons.
- Residential Proof (Voter Card / Passport / Ration Card / Driving License / Bank Passbook / Lease Deed / Rent Deed) of Marrying Persons.
- Date of Birth Proof (Municipal Corporation Certificate, X th or XII th Examination Certificate, Passport, PAN Card) of Marrying Persons.
- If any party is divorcee Certified copy of Decree of Divorce granted by the Court.
- If any party is widow / widower Death Certificate of the dead spouse.
- If any party is a Foreign Citizen or holding a foreign Passport or is having foreign residential address – Certificate of Present Marital Status of the party / No Impediment Certificate / NOC from concerned Embassy and Valid VISA.
- Two Witnesses (Both should be major)
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