Love Marriage Same Day Chandigarh 9999423333

Love Marriage Same Day Chandigarh

Love Marriage Same Day Chandigarh Marriage solemnized already are registered under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.Either Bride or Bridegroom must be resident of the Tehsil in which the marriage is to be Registered.At the time of Marriage the Bridegroom must have completed the age of 21 years and Bride the age of 18 years.Both must be Hindus.

At the time of Registration of Marriage, the applicant submits an application in prescribed form Stamped with requisite Court Fees. This Marriage is Registered under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 on the identification of village numberdar.

Welcome to Marriage Consultant Chandigarh and Haryana for Love Marriages or any kind of marriage services. We provide all type of marriage solutions in Haryana and Punjab with rules and regulations of all the religions. Love is the universal sentiment and the most charming object in this word. All thoughts arising out of a human heart are ministers of love. It is the sole cause behind interest in life. Love is a natural process, but as every natural object is made artificial before its use love also takes an artificial form. This form is called marriage. To maintain social order marriage is necessary.

Love Marriage Same Day Chandigarh

If you’re going to register your Marriage before wedding registrar in involved court, it’s sensible move and extremely abundent helpful for you in applying visa to travel out of country or applying a consumer credit or the other reasonalbly loan put together. Any wedding that has already been solemnized is registered either below the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or below the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu wedding Act is applicable in cases wherever each husband and married person are Hindus, Buddhists, jains, or Sikhs or wherever they need born-again into any of those religions. Wherever either of the husband or married person or each don’t seem to be Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs, the wedding is registered below the Special wedding Act, 1954.

Love marriage when boy and girl perform the marriage with own choice with or without the consent of their parents the marriage is always remain love marriage. Earlier in India, girls never speak anything against her family member, even in the matter of marriage. Family member of the girl never ask her about neither her wish of marriage nor her choice about the boy. But today girl of India also educated more than earlier India. She has right to think about her future and her partner and married life.

Eligibility for such a marriage is:

• One person must be a citizen of India.
• The bride must have attained 18 years of age and the groom 21 years.
• Neither party must have another existing spouse.
• Either part should not have another valid marriage.
• Neither party must be an idiot or a lunatic.
• The couple must not be within prohibited degrees of relationship.

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